My topic, Hong Kong and the various abuses it has suffered by mainland China, is inherently political. It therefore lends itself well to things such as opinion pieces or social media posts that allow readers to understand the issue and potentially choose a side on the matter. My primary audience is made up of Americans aware of the general state of Hong Kong as a democratic exception within China’s borders, and also those interested in supporting some form of free Hong Kong movement.
The first genre I chose to work in is a social media / facebook post in a poster format. Ideally, the post would be accompanied by a short original statement / line from the poster, as the poster is designed to be easily shared between individuals. This genre relates to my topic as social media acts as a great place to get a large crowd more informed on the issues around them, particularly for Hong Kong. It sets it apart from simply physically printing posters due to the social media post being significantly easier to share around with more eyes on the poster. Americans would more likely have sympathy for Hong Kong (due to it fighting against China and it having somewhat similar ideals to the United States), and would be interested in learning more.
The second genre I chose to work in is an opinion editorial modeled after the New York Times formatting. The opinion editorial gives a brief introduction into the National Security Law, which is quickly explained for those who are new to the topic of Hong Kong. It goes on to discuss the general aggressiveness that Beijing has been portraying compared to the nation’s past self, and how such may influence its external politics and affairs in the future. As it refers to external affairs and global politics, the opinion editorial takes the Hong Kong issues into a different lens.